Amerikas Demokratieverständnis

The Plaid Adder zieht in diesem Artikel in Democratic Underground ein Argument, nämlich dass Amerika dem Irak die Demokratie bringen wollte, massiv in Zweifel:

If we ever want to get ourselves out of Iraq, we are going to have to abandon some of the illusions that got us there. Above all, we must give up on the idea that we are ever going to bring democracy to Iraq. (...) I've never really understood why people believed that it was possible to bring democracy to Iraq by invading it. Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people, right? So doesn't that mean that by definition it is impossible to 'bring' democracy with you to someone else's country? Doesn't democracy have to arise from the people themselves?

Demokratie in andere Länder zu bringen, hat Amerika noch selten interessiert, sonst hätte es beispielsweise die vielen südamerikanischen Despoten nicht jahrelang gestützt und gefördert.
Mittwoch, 14. April 2004, 23:27, von karl | |comment